It seems every life that was touched by the events of Christmas experienced inconvenience and hardship. Yet, through those inconveniences, the greatest opportunities presented themselves. Opportunities for peace in the midst of chaos, for powerful influence, and ultimately for the salvation of all humanity.
We invite you to join us for an Advent Series based on the book The Christmas Option: The Hidden Options Found in the Christmas Story by Jonathan Malm, We will be telling the Nativity story in a unique and powerful way and together discover new meaning for our lives in a familiar Christmas story.
December 1 – Christmas and Disappointment
Many people get stuck in the disappointments and pain of life. As believers, however, we have an opportunity to channel those troubles into a bigger purpose.
December 8 – Christmas and Displacement
Don’t get discouraged when your expectations aren’t met. Keep going and see God’s plan for your life flourish.
December 15 – Christmas and Interruptions
If we want to love God and others, we must allow our routines to be interrupted.
December 22 – Christmas and Expectations
We all deal with disappointments. The beauty of Jesus being “with us” is that he can fully relate to those feelings. No matter what we’re going through, we have someone who understands and still offers hope. The story isn’t over yet.