Our Legacy at Faith Church
Faith Church began as a Bible Study group of 11 people led by Pastor Bert Van Soest. They gathered in people’s homes beginning in the mid 1980’s. The group purchased the church located on South Centerville Road with funding from the Classis of Orange and the New York Synod of the Reformed Church. The first service was held on November 1, 1997. The congregation grew to about 30-40 people and on June 19, 1988 the church was formally organized and dedicated. In 1991 the education wing was added to the original building for more classroom and fellowship space.
After Pastor Van Soest’s retirement, Pastors Mike Weber and Vernon Dethmers served as interim ministers, while Faith Church was searching for her first full time minister. During this time Faith Church celebrated her 20th Anniversary in 2008. Pastor Albert Potgieter was installed as the first full time minister in September of 2008 and in 2014 Faith Church celebrated her 25th Anniversary.
Faith Church continues to grow and dream and have plans to build a new sanctuary on an eight-acre parcel of land we own on Route 6 near the Minisink School Campus.